The Brod Law Firm Gets Results

The Brod Law Firm Gets Results
Because the value of an injury case is dependent upon the severity of one's injuries and the unique fact situations involved there is a wide range in value between the cases we handle. The methods of evaluating your injury case to see what it is worth has been discussed throughout this website. The cases we handle represent a cross section of all types of injuries seen on a daily basis which range from sprains and strains to catastrophic injuries and wrongful death that have values well into the multi-millions of dollars. Some personal injury firms try to impress prospective clients with large verdicts and settlements flashing on their websites which are not the norm of the cases that we see on a routine basis. The problem with showboating such cases creates a misleading impression that million dollar settlements or verdicts are commonplace when in fact they represent a very tiny fraction of 1% of all claims. It also telegraphs the fact such firms are only interested in a certain kind of claim which means most likely they are not interested in your claim or those claims which happen every day and to them your case is not worth their while. The Brod Law firm uses our time tested and battle tested methods to obtain the best result possible for your injury claim no matter the injuries. We fight hard for all levels of injury from sprains and strains to serious and catastrophic injuries. As we have done in past decades, we could fill up pages and pages of all the results we obtained for our clients which include large settlements and awards. Instead, I will personally mention on occasion, selected cases of interest on our practice areas pages. A decision was made to change our prior practice of posting results out of respect for both our past and future clients, adherence to client confidentiality settlement agreements and because each and every case is unique, just as no two persons are exactly alike. We like big numbers as much as the next person. In fact, we have successfully handled cases ranging in value from $1,000.00 to $12,095,000.00. No one who has ever recovered a large settlement has come to this firm at the end of their case saying that they were looking to be injured, but our many letters of appreciation indicate they are glad they had this firm represent them in their time of need. We are interested in helping you with your injury case and welcome your questions about our many past successes when you call us. We do not wish to discourage anyone from pursuing their claim, no matter how big or small. We have consistently maintained our hard-earned reputation for over 30 years of exclusively representing injured people with a record which speaks for itself.
It is important that you speak with an attorney experienced in evaluating your particular case. We have the extensive experience and background knowledge to accurately evaluate all types of personal injury cases. Put our experience to work for you. Call Gary Brod anytime at 888-435-7946 (888-HELPWIN) for a free no obligation consultation and explanation of your legal rights. We serve all of Pennsylvania and convenient telephone or online sign-up is always an option if you wish to get started today.