A teenage girl was live-streaming herself on Facebook while driving on a Pennsylvania highway when a tractor-trailer struck her car from behind, instantly killing her and and one of her friends. According to Pennsylvania State Police, 18-year-old Brooke Miranda Hughes was broadcasting the late n...
Federal Government Making Strides to Implement Mandatory Sleep Apnea Testing for Truck Drivers
Fatigue related large truck accidents have haunted the trucking industry since the birth of its existence. Drivers receiving payment by the mile combined with deadlines to reach lengthy destinations are just some of the factors that tempt truckers to ditch sleep and drive as much as possible. Alt...
Philadelphia Pedestrian Accidents are Happening Far Too Often and Negligent Drivers are Going Unpunished
According to data compiled by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, 67 people have have lost their lives in vehicular accidents so far in Philadelphia this year. About 59% of those deaths account for pedestrians and bikers, a significant spike in fatalities in comparison to prior years. ...
Electric Cars And The Hidden Danger To Pedestrians
Pedestrians face many dangers requiring them to be constantly vigilant. In order to avoid danger one must be aware of it by sight and sound.The back-up warning beeps of a commercial vehicle come to mind when we think of a way to warn pedestrians of impending danger. Yet another unseen but less ta...
Federal Trucking Accident Lawsuit May Lead To Stricter Cell Phone Measures
One common type of vehicle accident frequently seen nationwide is the trucking accident. Trucking accidents are often very serious, and may even result in fatalities to the average motorist. Nationwide, in the year 2014, truck and bus accidents resulted in nearly 4,000 deaths. While truck acciden...
Chicago Nurse Files Lawsuit After Mysterious Injection
One popular method companies use to gain insight into their consumer base is known as a "focus group." A focus group is a generally diverse group of individuals selected to test or view a product prior to its release. The participants in the focus group interact with a version of the product that...
Governmental Immunity In Waynesboro Injury Case
A Franklin County judge has ruled against a plaintiff seeking to name the town of Waynesboro and PennDOT as defendants in her case. The plaintiff, Sara Hoover, was injured by a driver while attempting to use the crosswalk on Main Street of Waynesboro. Hoover claims that prior to entering the cros...
Samsung Facing Lawsuits Over Phone Explosions
Popular phone retailer Samsung has been the subject of a much negative press lately, given that their flagship phone series, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been reported to have a tendency to explode. This specific model has been very popular among users and was poised to overtake Apple's iPhone i...
Beware: How A Social Media Presence May Harm Your Injury Claim
In today's world, nearly everyone is connected to the Internet. Our information is online for our friends and families to keep in touch with us as our life moves on. However, the downside of this public online sphere is that while our friends and families can easily catch up with us and the going...
Study Finds Worst Philadelphia Intersections for Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian accidents are some of the most serious types of car accidents. When two cars collide, the drivers and passengers in both vehicles are protected by over a thousand pounds of metal and plastic, as well as numerous safety features, such as seatbelts and airbags. When a car hits a pedestri...